so no, i don't have much to post because its still in progress a la danielle fashion, but this is what my plans are:
dots/colors/font are not the final look, but what i am using now to keep my head straight while i have been plotting. each represents a persons response to the survey, plotted according to a main chart that shows all of the info sans the two prevention questions (what prevents you most/least?)
each answer will be displayed as its own page printed on vellum. the main point of this survey was for me to compare what my peers and social network determine their main priorities to be. the vellum would allow the viewer to compare all the data simultaneously (for the most part) by overlaying to see how an answer to a question (what is your main priority?) compares to another relative question (what prevents you from attaining this priority?). still thinking how it should be displayed....maybe not a book, per se, but a binder with loose sheets? kind of like when you layer acetate sheets of overheads to build on information? maybe i will use acetate sheets??!! i dont know. i look forward to your dissection tomorrow. adieu.